Centering Marginalized Voices

As we continue our journey in equity work, it is becoming abundantly clear that we must center voices that are marginalized by systems of oppression, including structural racism and white supremacy, heteronormativity, transphobia, misogyny, xenophobia, and ableism. These systems of oppression operate on a personal level, and on institutional and societal levels, to perpetuate and produce cumulative inequalities on the bases of race, sexual orientation, gender identity, immigration status, and whether or not one is able-bodied.

Representation is a key step towards equality. Simply, you won’t change what you don’t understand, and you can’t understand what you don’t see. The ability to imagine a world that is different from the world we live in now is the beginning of affecting meaningful change. Fashion has the power to bring that imagination to life and amplify the voices of those unheard. To date, the fashion industry has marginalized people who are gender non-conforming and this must change. More representation of a wide range of gender expressions is important. More representation ensures inclusivity, which will challenge gender stereotypes and ensure everyone feels like they are represented in fashion. The key solution to this is gender non-conforming clothing. It is our goal to create spaces and opportunities where kids can unapologetically express their individuality.

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